<div id="geary-body"><div>Hola:</div><div><br></div><div>Nos mandan desde la Universidad de Cádiz estas ofertas de doctorado industrial con Airbus para la aplicación de machine learning a procesos industriales. La cuantía de la beca es 17k¤ brutos anuales. Existe la posibilidad de sacar algo extra participando en alguno de los proyectos con empresas que llevan en el grupo, pero por de pronto, este es el "sueldo base", más o menos como una FPU.</div><div><br></div><div>Espero que resulte útil a alguien.</div><div><br></div><div>Un saludo,</div><div><br>---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>From: David Gómez-Ullate Oteiza <david.gomezullate@uca.es><br>Subject: 5 Industrial PhD positions at UCA Datalab<br>Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 11:56:27 +0100<br>To: contacto@es.python.org<br><br><p>Estimados colegas,</p><p>Esta oferta de tesis industriales quizá pudiera ser de interés para comunidad python-es.<br>Si lo estimáis conveniente, por favor difundid el anuncio entre la posible gente interesada.</p><p>Un cordial saludo,</p><p>David Gómez-Ullate<br></p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br></p><p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><span lang="en-US"><b>5 Industrial PhD positions at UCA Datalab</b></span><br><br><span lang="en-US">The University of Cádiz and UCA Datalab offer 5 PhD contracts for mathematicians, physicists and engineers to participate in technological projects in partnership with two large companies in the aeronautical and naval sector: Airbus D&S and Navantia. </span> <span lang="en-US">The proposed lines of research cover topics in the fields of data science, machine learning, computer vision, internet of things and cybersecurity, and their description can be found in</span><br></font></p><p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font color="#000080"><u><a href="http://datalab.uca.es/phd">http://datalab.uca.es/</a>opportunities</u></font></font></p><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><span lang="en-US">Candidates must either hold an MSc degree or expect to achieve it in the current academic year 2018/19. Applications must be submitted through the University official procedure, so we encourage interested participants to send us their CV and motivation letter, and we will guide them through the application process.</span><br><span lang="en-US">UCA Datalab is a recently created research group with a multidisciplinary focus and emphasis on solving applied technological problems in the industrial sector. We offer a stimulating environment, professional career development and competitive salary for a 4-year PhD contract. Cádiz is a beautiful city in the south of Spain with an impressive cultural heritage, pleasant atmosphere and excellent quality of life.</span><br><br><b>Deadline</b>: December 26th, 2018.</font></div></div>